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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Better late than never!

3 names you go by:

1 Jazzy
2 Jefe
3 Jeffrey

3 screen names you have:

1 jazzy74
2 aandj7
3 jeff.d.morgan

3 things you like about yourself:

1 My eyes
2 My sensitivity
3 My connection to the divine

3 things you hate/dislike about yourself:

1 I'm skinny
2 My voice is high pitched
3 I lack motivation

3 parts of your heritage:

1 My psychic powers
2 Kind
3 My delusional states

3 things that scare you:

1 Oversized spiders (like the ones in Harry Poter)
2 Not knowing the truth
3 Dying in extreme pain

3 of your everyday essentials:

1 A hot shower
2 A bottle of water
3 A hug from my wife

3 things you're wearing right now:

1 My Andre sneakers from Paris
2 A long sleeved velour shirt
3 My favorite pair of Jeans

3 of your favorite bands/artists(today):

1 Ambulance LTD
2 The Mars Volta
3 Richard Ashcroft

3 of your favorite songs at present:

1 "Sugar Pill", Ambulance LTD
2 "Life on Mars", Seu Jorge doing David Bowie cover
3 "The Widow", The Mars Volta

3 things you want to try in the next twelve months:

1 Snowboarding again (since I missed last season)
2 Road Trip (not sure where)
3 Surfing again (whenever I can afford a board)

3 things you want(have) in a relationship(love is a given):

1 Patience and understanding
2 Time for each other
3 More massages

2 truths and a lie(in no particular order, to keep you guessing):

1 I was a tweaker
2 I ran naked on the beach in the Canary Islands
3 I love downhill skateboarding

3 physical things about a love interest that appeal:

1 Eyes (because they turn bronze and green)
2 Lips (because they're thick and juicy)
3 Stomach (because it's the most beautiful belly, and she lets me kiss it all the time)

3 things you just can't do:

1 Use a microwave (convenience is selective and subjective)
2 Laundry (my wife always beats me to it, yeah that's the ticket)
3 Sit idly by while someone needs your help

3 favorite hobbies:

1 Body boarding
2 Listening to music
3 Playing Video Games on friday night

3 things you want to do really badly right now:

1 Yoga (sitting at this computer filling out this long ass survey is making me sore!)
2 Go swimming (too bad the ocean is butt cold and dirty :( right now)
3 Receive a massage

3 careers you're considering:

1 Occupational Therapy
2 Stay at home Dad
3 Open my own Wellness Center

3 places you want to go on vacation/holiday:

1 Italy
2 Greece
3 Go back to Hawaii

3 kids names:

1 Lillian
2 Ethan
3 Abigail

3 things you want to do before you die:

1 Skydive
2 Be a "cool" grandpa
3 Put an end to surveys like this!

3 people who have to take this quiz now:

1 Anna
2 Melissa
3 Karinne


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