
After my Mom's death, ten years ago today, I found it very difficult to have positive memories of her. The only thing my mind kept going over was the sickness. The cancer that had taken over our family. I was sick myself for awhile after she died. My minds eye very rarely saw the good memories of her. As crazy as it sounds, she appeared to me a few times in the flesh. Many explain it away as something that happens to people going through extreme grief, as if it was not real. Yet each time she visited, she was as sick as the day before she died. It was about four years later when she appeared to me the way she was before the cancer. The way she is in this picture. I could now see her through healthy eyes. On that day I was visited by an angel who took me to heaven, we celebrated and they sung happy birthday to me. Ever since then positive memories of my mother have come flooding in and continue to when I least expect it. This is the way I imagine my mom would look if I could see her in front of me right now. Ageless. Beautiful beyond all words. Healthy and happy. The way she truly is. I love you Mom!
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