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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Bring Back Michael Jackson Thriller

What a strange title to a complex thought that only lasted a second... or so. During one of the scenes of the movie Michael Jackson Thriller came on. No one was dancing, so one brave soul ventured out on the dance floor to get the party started. Anyone know what movie I am talking about? Well, everyone began dancing after a while and they all knew the dance from the video perfectly. It made me think about how amazingly influential Michael's music was at the time. People all over the world know this dance. Michael Jackson was an inspiration to so many musicians and dancers alike. I say we bring back Michael Jackson Thriller and capture that feeling like the first time you heard it. The time at the roller rink where everybody stopped to watch the video on one of those 18" t.v.'s scattered about the rink. The time at home the video was aired on video hits 1 or MTV and made you want to dance... The time it made you want to learn all the moves to the video and all it's zombies and wherewolves. Bring Back Michael Jackson Thriller.

P.S. I don't know the moves, but if I did I would do them!

P.S.S. the movie was 13 going on 30

The Epiphany that Never Happened

Well, maybe this one is self explanatory.

Strange, but True

I sat up late one night watching a movie with Anna. During the movie I happened upon a down poor of thoughts. None of them seemed complete. All I came up with were titles for blogs. I wrote over a dozen or so each with a glimpse of a completed thought that only lasted for a second. Does that make any sense? A title + whole idea - second = title. Confused? So am I?! Anyhow, I was looking over the titles I came up with wondering what I saw for that second. What would I write for them?! So, here is my next Blog...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Why all the spiders?

Well, I don't really know... I suppose I'm fascinated by these scary little creatures . I see a beauty in their being that is like no other in this world. These particular spiders that I have focused on only come around for a few months out of the year. I might as well capture a bit of their short life and share it with you. Besides, you are much safer on the other side of that screen. Not that they would bite me or anything! Yet, I know you don't want to find out for yourself!

The Monster I Created Called My Sister

I am so jealous,... I introduce this blogging thing to my sister and she takes it, runs with it, mutilates it and makes it her own in a way not many could ever comprehend. Ok, so maybe I am not so much jealous as I am envious. To make matters worse, she won't share her new found knowledge of making a cool blog with me. I guess I'll have to do as she has done and spend hour upon hour fiddling about on the computer and reading up on blogging. She's even gone so far as to creating a new blog with another free service called My Space. Will her creative and unique approach to blogging ever end! I don't see that coming any time soon... So feel free to go to the link for my sister's blog and view all the cool effects she has learned. She is never satisfied, by the way, so comment on her stuff and let her know how cool she really is.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Lost,... yet still seeking?

About Me: I have been lost and seeking many times. Does this define me? No, I have been in a love afair with myself for many years. I am found more so than not. I know myself well, the limitations and errors of my being are only small complications compared to the love and beauty that surrounds me. I am truely blessed for the life that I have been given. Although I have not always been at my best, I shall not deny myself of the experience. To become even more gentle and kind without being a door mat is nice. I am not sure life hands you a bum deal everytime?! You make the best out of your situation. You can't let your situation define who you are. You are in control of your own wealth and happiness. So I move on with my life defining the moments as they come rolling in. God how I love when everything becomes synchronized...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Waiting for the right time

Me pondering a hair cut.

Spider #3 up close

spider #3 scares the sh*t out of me up close. I think I'll keep my distance.

Spider #3

spider #3 sits still waiting to pounce on his meal.

Spider #2

spider#2 scared me even more than spider #1, his web has been in my nightmares for days.

Spider #1 Eating

spider#1 did not scare me as much after I saw the size of his meal.

Spider #1

spider #1 has been in my nightmares for the last couple of nights!

Roses at Night

These roses started to bloom just before sundown. I thought I'd take a picture and that is when I noticed the spiders all around. See next pic.

Friday, September 03, 2004

The ever constant relay

It's insane, this life, the ever constant relay. Always running around trying to keep up with the rest of the world. I'd much rather go for a swim in the ocean. Yet nothing gets accomplished just floating around in the sea. So I sit at the computer at work waiting for my next client to come in. Not sure of the pain and problems they will bring in for me to work out. I, not so much a miracle worker, take a deep breath and remind them of what they are capable of. Some listen and take action, others listen and only that, whilst others could not even give a damn. Why are so many westerners so out of touch with their own bodies? Ignoring the warning signs and eventually ending up here in my place of employment, the rehab. I'm not sure what drives me to come in each day, but somehow I make it in. I am usually praised for a job well done and they walk out smiling. Maybe that is enough to keep me here. I don't know. What I do know is the problems and pain they leave behind haunt me each day. I need to escape them and some how I always find a way. A positive and healing way. Here's my stop, see you around next time.