Living on Purpose
In this moment I am being. Within each second that passes remains a timeless seam of consciousness.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
About Me: I have been lost and seeking many times. Does this define me? No, I have been in a love afair with myself for many years. I am found more so than not. I know myself well, the limitations and errors of my being are only small complications compared to the love and beauty that surrounds me. I am truely blessed for the life that I have been given. Although I have not always been at my best, I shall not deny myself of the experience. To become even more gentle and kind without being a door mat is nice. I am not sure life hands you a bum deal everytime?! You make the best out of your situation. You can't let your situation define who you are. You are in control of your own wealth and happiness. So I move on with my life defining the moments as they come rolling in. God how I love when everything becomes synchronized...
Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."
I guess that is the essence of what you are saying. Only in the rarest of occasions is that not true...for the most part we all just brush off the dust and keep on trudging. Whether or not we find happiness along the way is our choice; it is hard sometimes, but what other option do we have? Reminds me of the end of Trainspotting--Choose life, choose a career, choose etc, etc, etc...
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