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Monday, January 24, 2005

Blue Monday

Can you believe that someone took the time out to come up with mathematical figures, charts & graphs, in order to show us all how depressed we are going to become on any given day? According to CNN Headline News a mathematician summarized that "Today is the Most Depressing Day of the Year". Due to taxes, the end of the Christmas Season, rainy whether, and so on, we are more likely to be at our bottom on this particular day, January 24. Not to mention that this day is on a Monday, CNN news so poignantly pointed on. It's a full moon tonight too! I don't know if I can finish this post I'm feeling so blue. The tears are blurring my vision! Maybe it's laughter tears at such a preposterous assumption about the human condition. What's even more scary is it may all be true. Maybe people do let the weather rule their emotions. Maybe people do freak out about their financial situations and let that kill their day. Well shame on you world. There are friends to call, people to hang out with, letters to write, blogs to blog, and pets to pet. Plenty to keep us busy, instead of worrying about ourselves and the things we have no control of in the first place. So sit at home and sulk, that's what I'm doing because somebody said that this is my day to do so. Better watch out because I see a brand new nation holiday coming! I love it already. This could be the perfect three day holiday. Come on people feel blue. Don't you feel it? I know I do. Blue! :(


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