"...quantum healing, I would say this: quantum healing is the ability of one mode of consciousness (the mind) to spontaneously correct the mistakes in another mode of consciousness (the body). It is a completely self-enclosed process. If pressed for a shorter definition, I would say simply that quantum healing makes peace. When consciousness is fragmented, it starts a war in the mind-body system. This war lies behind many diseases, giving rise to what modern medicine calls their psychosomatic component. The rishis might call it "the fear born of duality," and they would consider it not a component but the chief cause of all illness."
"the word
rishi itself stands for a person who has learned to enter the fourth state at will and observe what is there. This ability is not "thinking" as we use the term- the whole phenomenon is an immediate experience, like recognizing the fragrance of lilacs or the sound of a friend's voice. It is immediate, nonverbal, and unlike a flower's fragrance, totally transforming... In short, these sages observed existence in its purest form."
Taken from the book Quantum Healing
Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Anyone else interested in quantum physics? Care to share any of your knowledge on the subject matter. Or an experience you may have had or witnessed with the miracle that is our body, mind, and spirit.