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Sunday, November 07, 2004


Anna and I, with much reluctance, had to put our cat Misty down on November 1, 2004. Misty was a gift from heaven. Sometime in 1986 two young girls came to the house carrying a kitten in a basket on their bike. They were looking for the mother of the kitten. We had just lost one of our cats not a month prior and were willing to take the kitten in if they could not find her home. Hours went by and no sign from the girls, we assumed that they had found her home, much to our dismay. A knock came at our door when all seemed grey. Misty became the Family cat until 1995, that is when I moved from home and took sole care of her.

During Misty's outdoor years she was the toughest one we had ever had. This cat brought home every critter in a three mile radius. She left us presents, (lizards, birds, mice, gophers, a rabbit, etc...) at our door every other week. She even made an attempt on a hawk with at least a four foot wing span. We thought Misty was a goner for sure when she came home in a pool of blood with a scapula broken in two places. She was shot by a pellet gun, (something I just found out about a month ago when we took her in for X-rays). She's been an indoor cat since 1995! Misty was the first cat we ever owned to have kittens, a total of five. One of her babies came with me as well, her name was Shadow. Shadow died of cancer in 1997/8, (I', m a little fuzzy on the exact date, self induced).

Misty mellowed out with age and became the most loyal and loving cat I have ever known. Anna fell in love with Misty the first time she saw her. Misty brought comfort and love into our home and she will be sorely missed. We love you Misty!

May Misty find her Way Home

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

He Knows I'd Love to See Him, again and again!

I have seen Morrissey several times throughout the last 15 years and never has he sung so unbelievably well. His quick wit and dry humor had me giggling like a teenager in heat. If I were gay, Morrissey would be my lover! My sister said something about him subtly bidding his farewells and I nearly wanted to cry. I pray she is wrong, I am hooked on the intoxication that Moz has filled me with! Don't stop now Morrissey, my sister and I need you! And so does Tony the Pony!